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- //@File producer.go
- //@Time 2022/05/06
- //@Author #Suyghur,
- package kafka
- import (
- "context"
- "github.com/Shopify/sarama"
- "github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/core/logx"
- "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute"
- "ylink/comm/ctxdata"
- "ylink/comm/trace"
- )
- type Producer struct {
- topic string
- addr []string
- config *sarama.Config
- producer sarama.SyncProducer
- }
- func NewKafkaProducer(addr []string, topic string) *Producer {
- logx.Infof("brokers: %v", addr)
- logx.Infof("topic: %s", topic)
- p := Producer{}
- p.config = sarama.NewConfig()
- // Whether to enable the successes channel to be notified after the message is sent successfully
- p.config.Producer.Return.Successes = true
- // Set producer Message Reply level 0 1 all
- p.config.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.WaitForAll
- // Set the hash-key automatic hash partition. When sending a message, you must specify the key value of the message,
- // If there is no key, the partition will be selected randomly
- p.config.Producer.Partitioner = sarama.NewHashPartitioner
- p.addr = addr
- p.topic = topic
- // Initialize the client
- producer, err := sarama.NewSyncProducer(p.addr, p.config)
- if err != nil {
- logx.WithContext(context.Background()).Error(err.Error())
- panic(err.Error())
- }
- p.producer = producer
- return &p
- }
- func (p *Producer) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, m string, key ...string) (partition int32, offset int64, err error) {
- traceId := ctxdata.GetTraceIdFromCtx(ctx)
- msg := &sarama.ProducerMessage{}
- msg.Headers = []sarama.RecordHeader{{
- Key: sarama.ByteEncoder("trace_id"),
- Value: sarama.ByteEncoder(traceId),
- }}
- msg.Topic = p.topic
- if len(key) == 1 {
- msg.Key = sarama.StringEncoder(key[0])
- }
- msg.Value = sarama.StringEncoder(m)
- trace.StartTrace(ctx, "SendMessageToKafka", func(ctx context.Context) {
- partition, offset, err = p.producer.SendMessage(msg)
- }, attribute.StringSlice("keys", key), attribute.String("topic", p.topic))
- return
- }