@@ -1,246 +1,245 @@
-package cn.yyxx.eyuangame.network
-import android.content.Context
-import android.text.TextUtils
-import cn.yyxx.eyuancomm.comm.utils.Logger
-import cn.yyxx.eyuangame.entity.ResultInfo
-import cn.yyxx.eyuangame.impl.GameSdkDrive
-import cn.yyxx.eyuangame.internal.IFileRequestCallback
-import cn.yyxx.support.FileUtils
-import cn.yyxx.support.JsonUtils
-import cn.yyxx.support.ResUtils
-import cn.yyxx.support.StrUtils
-import cn.yyxx.support.encryption.Base64Utils
-import cn.yyxx.support.encryption.HexUtils
-import cn.yyxx.support.encryption.Md5Utils
-import cn.yyxx.support.volley.MultipartRequest
-import cn.yyxx.support.volley.VolleySingleton
-import cn.yyxx.support.volley.entity.FileEntity
-import cn.yyxx.support.volley.source.*
-import cn.yyxx.support.volley.source.toolbox.HttpHeaderParser
-import cn.yyxx.support.volley.source.toolbox.JsonObjectRequest
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
-import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import org.json.JSONException
-import org.json.JSONObject
-import java.io.File
-import java.io.IOException
- * @author #Suyghur.
- * Created on 2021/06/21
- */
-object VolleyRequest {
- private const val MAX_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000
- fun post(context: Context, jsonObject: JSONObject, callback: (ResultInfo) -> Unit) {
- try {
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
- val randomKey = time + StrUtils.getRandomString(16)
- val rawKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(randomKey)
- val aesKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(rawKey + StrUtils.reverseString(rawKey))
- val hexP = GameSdkDrive.instance.invokeJob(context, aesKey.substring(8, 24), jsonObject.toString())
- val tmp = HexUtils.hexString2Bytes(hexP)
- val p = Base64Utils.encode(tmp)
- Logger.d("请求路由 : ${jsonObject["route_path"]}")
- Logger.d("请求参数 : $jsonObject")
- Logger.logHandler("请求路由 : ${jsonObject["route_path"]}\n")
- Logger.logHandler("请求参数 : $jsonObject\n")
- val obj = JSONObject()
- obj.put("p", p)
- obj.put("ts", rawKey)
- Logger.d("$obj")
- //TODO 拉起登录接口时会莫名其妙ANR,后续再排查
-// val json = SdkDrive.invokeJob(context, jsonObject.toString())
-// val obj = JSONObject(json)
-// //因为native c++中aes加密后生成的base64字符串可能会因为\0的原因被截断,所以使用hex进行编码
-// //得到json对象后将p内容由hex转为base64,然后再赋值回json对象中的p。
-// //ts因为是rsa加密,得到的base64字符串不会被截断,可能因为是长度远比aes生成的报文长度短
-// val hexP = obj.getString("p")
-// Logger.d("hex: $hexP")
+//package cn.yyxx.eyuangame.network
+//import android.content.Context
+//import android.text.TextUtils
+//import cn.yyxx.eyuancomm.comm.impl.CommSdkDrive
+//import cn.yyxx.eyuancomm.comm.utils.Logger
+//import cn.yyxx.eyuangame.internal.IFileRequestCallback
+//import cn.yyxx.support.FileUtils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.JsonUtils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.ResUtils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.StrUtils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.encryption.Base64Utils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.encryption.HexUtils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.encryption.Md5Utils
+//import cn.yyxx.support.volley.MultipartRequest
+//import cn.yyxx.support.volley.VolleySingleton
+//import cn.yyxx.support.volley.entity.FileEntity
+//import cn.yyxx.support.volley.source.*
+//import cn.yyxx.support.volley.source.toolbox.HttpHeaderParser
+//import cn.yyxx.support.volley.source.toolbox.JsonObjectRequest
+//import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
+//import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
+//import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+//import org.json.JSONException
+//import org.json.JSONObject
+//import java.io.File
+//import java.io.IOException
+// * @author #Suyghur.
+// * Created on 2021/06/21
+// */
+//object VolleyRequest {
+// private const val MAX_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000
+// fun post(context: Context, jsonObject: JSONObject, callback: (ResultInfo) -> Unit) {
+// try {
+// val time = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
+// val randomKey = time + StrUtils.getRandomString(16)
+// val rawKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(randomKey)
+// val aesKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(rawKey + StrUtils.reverseString(rawKey))
+// val hexP = CommSdkDrive.instance.invokeJob(aesKey.substring(8, 24), jsonObject.toString())
// val tmp = HexUtils.hexString2Bytes(hexP)
// val tmp = HexUtils.hexString2Bytes(hexP)
-// val base64P = Base64Utils.encode(tmp)
-// obj.put("p", base64P)
- Logger.d("host: ${Host.HOST}")
- val request = object : JsonObjectRequest(Method.POST, Host.HOST, obj, Response.Listener {
- val resultInfo = ResultInfo()
- resultInfo.code = -1
- resultInfo.msg = "接口请求异常"
- it?.apply {
- try {
- resultInfo.code = it.getInt("code")
- resultInfo.msg = it.getString("msg")
- resultInfo.data = if (JsonUtils.hasJsonKey(it, "data")) {
-// //返回要对p进行base64 -> hex
-// val responseObj = it.getJSONObject("data")
-// val base64P2 = responseObj.getString("p")
-// val tmp2 = Base64Utils.decode(base64P2)
-// val hexP2 = HexUtils.bytes2HexString(tmp2)
-// responseObj.put("p", hexP2)
-// SdkDrive.parseJob(context, responseObj.toString())
- parseResponse(context, it.getJSONObject("data"))
- } else {
- "{}"
- }
- } catch (e: JSONException) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
- }
- it.put("data", JSONObject(resultInfo.data))
- Logger.d("返回信息 : $it")
- Logger.logHandler("返回信息 : $it\n")
- callback(resultInfo)
- }, Response.ErrorListener {
- it?.apply {
- Logger.e("postByVolley onErrorResponse : $it")
- callback(getErrorResultInfo(context, it))
- }
- }) {
- override fun getHeaders(): MutableMap<String, String> {
- val headers = HashMap<String, String>()
- headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
- headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
- return headers
- }
- }
- //设置超时时间
- request.retryPolicy = DefaultRetryPolicy(MAX_TIMEOUT, 1, 1.0f)
- VolleySingleton.getInstance(context.applicationContext).addToRequestQueue(context.applicationContext, request)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
- }
- fun downloadImageFile(context: Context, url: String, callback: IFileRequestCallback) {
- val cacheFolder = File(context.getExternalFilesDir("cache")!!.absolutePath)
- if (!cacheFolder.exists()) {
- cacheFolder.mkdirs()
- }
- val fileName = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(url)
- val filePath = "$cacheFolder/$fileName"
- Logger.d(filePath)
- if (File(filePath).exists()) {
- callback.onResponse("image has been cached locally")
- return
- }
- val request: Request<ByteArray> = object : Request<ByteArray>(Method.GET, url, Response.ErrorListener {
- callback.onErrorResponse(it)
- }) {
- override fun parseNetworkResponse(response: NetworkResponse): Response<ByteArray> {
- return try {
- if (response.data == null) {
- Response.error(ParseError(response))
- } else {
- Response.success(response.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response))
- }
- } catch (e: OutOfMemoryError) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- Response.error(ParseError(e))
- }
- }
- override fun deliverResponse(response: ByteArray) {
- Logger.d("volley download image file success, start to save file ...")
- try {
- GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
- Logger.d("with io coroutines do save file")
- FileUtils.saveFile(filePath, response)
- }
- callback.onResponse("download file success, path: $filePath")
- } catch (e: IOException) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- callback.onErrorResponse(ParseError(e))
- }
- }
- }
- VolleySingleton.getInstance(context.applicationContext).addToRequestQueue(context.applicationContext, request)
- }
- fun uploadFile(context: Context, url: String, file: File, jsonObject: JSONObject, callback: (ResultInfo) -> Unit) {
- if (!file.exists()) {
- Logger.e("${file.name}不存在请检查")
- return
- }
- val resultInfo = ResultInfo()
- resultInfo.code = -1
- resultInfo.msg = "接口请求异常"
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
- val randomKey = time + StrUtils.getRandomString(16)
- val rawKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(randomKey)
- val aesKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(rawKey + StrUtils.reverseString(rawKey))
- val hexP = GameSdkDrive.instance.invokeJob(context, aesKey.substring(8, 24), jsonObject.toString())
- val tmp = HexUtils.hexString2Bytes(hexP)
- val p = Base64Utils.encode(tmp)
- Logger.d("请求地址 : $url")
- Logger.d("请求参数 : $jsonObject")
- Logger.logHandler("请求地址 : $url\n")
- Logger.logHandler("请求参数 : $jsonObject\n")
- val params = HashMap<String, Any>()
- params["p"] = p
- params["ts"] = rawKey
- Logger.d("上传文件: ${file.name} ...")
- val fileEntity = FileEntity()
- fileEntity.mName = "upload_file"
- fileEntity.mFileName = file.name
- fileEntity.mFile = file
- kotlin.runCatching {
- val request = MultipartRequest(url, params, fileEntity, {
- with(JSONObject(it)) {
- resultInfo.code = getInt("code")
- resultInfo.msg = getString("msg")
- }
- callback(resultInfo)
- }) {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(it.localizedMessage)) {
- resultInfo.msg = it.localizedMessage!!
- }
- callback(resultInfo)
- }
- VolleySingleton.getInstance(context.applicationContext).addToRequestQueue(context.applicationContext, request)
- }.onFailure {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(it.localizedMessage)) {
- resultInfo.msg = it.localizedMessage!!
- }
- callback(resultInfo)
- }
- }
- private fun parseResponse(context: Context, data: JSONObject): String {
- try {
- val ts = data.getString("ts")
- val aesKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(ts + StrUtils.reverseString(ts))
- val base64P = data.getString("p")
- val tmp = Base64Utils.decode(base64P)
- val p = HexUtils.bytes2HexString(tmp)
- return GameSdkDrive.instance.parseJob(context, aesKey.substring(8, 24), p)
- } catch (e: JSONException) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
- return ""
- }
- private fun getErrorResultInfo(context: Context, volleyError: VolleyError): ResultInfo {
- val resultInfo = ResultInfo()
- resultInfo.code = 400
- resultInfo.msg = ""
- volleyError.networkResponse?.apply {
- resultInfo.code = statusCode
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(volleyError.message)) {
- resultInfo.msg = volleyError.message!!
- } else {
- resultInfo.msg = ResUtils.getResString(context, "yyxx_network_tv_error")
- }
- }
- resultInfo.data = ""
- return resultInfo
- }
+// val p = Base64Utils.encode(tmp)
+// Logger.d("请求路由 : ${jsonObject["route_path"]}")
+// Logger.d("请求参数 : $jsonObject")
+// Logger.logHandler("请求路由 : ${jsonObject["route_path"]}\n")
+// Logger.logHandler("请求参数 : $jsonObject\n")
+// val obj = JSONObject()
+// obj.put("p", p)
+// obj.put("ts", rawKey)
+// Logger.d("$obj")
+// //TODO 拉起登录接口时会莫名其妙ANR,后续再排查
+//// val json = SdkDrive.invokeJob(context, jsonObject.toString())
+//// val obj = JSONObject(json)
+//// //因为native c++中aes加密后生成的base64字符串可能会因为\0的原因被截断,所以使用hex进行编码
+//// //得到json对象后将p内容由hex转为base64,然后再赋值回json对象中的p。
+//// //ts因为是rsa加密,得到的base64字符串不会被截断,可能因为是长度远比aes生成的报文长度短
+//// val hexP = obj.getString("p")
+//// Logger.d("hex: $hexP")
+//// val tmp = HexUtils.hexString2Bytes(hexP)
+//// val base64P = Base64Utils.encode(tmp)
+//// obj.put("p", base64P)
+// Logger.d("host: ${Host.HOST}")
+// val request = object : JsonObjectRequest(Method.POST, Host.HOST, obj, Response.Listener {
+// val resultInfo = ResultInfo()
+// resultInfo.code = -1
+// resultInfo.msg = "接口请求异常"
+// it?.apply {
+// try {
+// resultInfo.code = it.getInt("code")
+// resultInfo.msg = it.getString("msg")
+// resultInfo.data = if (JsonUtils.hasJsonKey(it, "data")) {
+//// //返回要对p进行base64 -> hex
+//// val responseObj = it.getJSONObject("data")
+//// val base64P2 = responseObj.getString("p")
+//// val tmp2 = Base64Utils.decode(base64P2)
+//// val hexP2 = HexUtils.bytes2HexString(tmp2)
+//// responseObj.put("p", hexP2)
+//// SdkDrive.parseJob(context, responseObj.toString())
+// parseResponse(context, it.getJSONObject("data"))
+// } else {
+// "{}"
+// }
+// } catch (e: JSONException) {
+// e.printStackTrace()
+// }
+// }
+// it.put("data", JSONObject(resultInfo.data))
+// Logger.d("返回信息 : $it")
+// Logger.logHandler("返回信息 : $it\n")
+// callback(resultInfo)
+// }, Response.ErrorListener {
+// it?.apply {
+// Logger.e("postByVolley onErrorResponse : $it")
+// callback(getErrorResultInfo(context, it))
+// }
+// }) {
+// override fun getHeaders(): MutableMap<String, String> {
+// val headers = HashMap<String, String>()
+// headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
+// headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
+// return headers
+// }
+// }
+// //设置超时时间
+// request.retryPolicy = DefaultRetryPolicy(MAX_TIMEOUT, 1, 1.0f)
+// VolleySingleton.getInstance(context.applicationContext).addToRequestQueue(context.applicationContext, request)
+// } catch (e: Exception) {
+// e.printStackTrace()
+// }
+// }
+// fun downloadImageFile(context: Context, url: String, callback: IFileRequestCallback) {
+// val cacheFolder = File(context.getExternalFilesDir("cache")!!.absolutePath)
+// if (!cacheFolder.exists()) {
+// cacheFolder.mkdirs()
+// }
+// val fileName = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(url)
+// val filePath = "$cacheFolder/$fileName"
+// Logger.d(filePath)
+// if (File(filePath).exists()) {
+// callback.onResponse("image has been cached locally")
+// return
+// }
+// val request: Request<ByteArray> = object : Request<ByteArray>(Method.GET, url, Response.ErrorListener {
+// callback.onErrorResponse(it)
+// }) {
+// override fun parseNetworkResponse(response: NetworkResponse): Response<ByteArray> {
+// return try {
+// if (response.data == null) {
+// Response.error(ParseError(response))
+// } else {
+// Response.success(response.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response))
+// }
+// } catch (e: OutOfMemoryError) {
+// e.printStackTrace()
+// Response.error(ParseError(e))
+// }
+// }
+// override fun deliverResponse(response: ByteArray) {
+// Logger.d("volley download image file success, start to save file ...")
+// try {
+// GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
+// Logger.d("with io coroutines do save file")
+// FileUtils.saveFile(filePath, response)
+// }
+// callback.onResponse("download file success, path: $filePath")
+// } catch (e: IOException) {
+// e.printStackTrace()
+// callback.onErrorResponse(ParseError(e))
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// VolleySingleton.getInstance(context.applicationContext).addToRequestQueue(context.applicationContext, request)
+// }
+// fun uploadFile(context: Context, url: String, file: File, jsonObject: JSONObject, callback: (ResultInfo) -> Unit) {
+// if (!file.exists()) {
+// Logger.e("${file.name}不存在请检查")
+// return
+// }
+// val resultInfo = ResultInfo()
+// resultInfo.code = -1
+// resultInfo.msg = "接口请求异常"
+// val time = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
+// val randomKey = time + StrUtils.getRandomString(16)
+// val rawKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(randomKey)
+// val aesKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(rawKey + StrUtils.reverseString(rawKey))
+// val hexP = CommSdkDrive.instance.invokeJob(aesKey.substring(8, 24), jsonObject.toString())
+// val tmp = HexUtils.hexString2Bytes(hexP)
+// val p = Base64Utils.encode(tmp)
+// Logger.d("请求地址 : $url")
+// Logger.d("请求参数 : $jsonObject")
+// Logger.logHandler("请求地址 : $url\n")
+// Logger.logHandler("请求参数 : $jsonObject\n")
+// val params = HashMap<String, Any>()
+// params["p"] = p
+// params["ts"] = rawKey
+// Logger.d("上传文件: ${file.name} ...")
+// val fileEntity = FileEntity()
+// fileEntity.mName = "upload_file"
+// fileEntity.mFileName = file.name
+// fileEntity.mFile = file
+// kotlin.runCatching {
+// val request = MultipartRequest(url, params, fileEntity, {
+// with(JSONObject(it)) {
+// resultInfo.code = getInt("code")
+// resultInfo.msg = getString("msg")
+// }
+// callback(resultInfo)
+// }) {
+// if (TextUtils.isEmpty(it.localizedMessage)) {
+// resultInfo.msg = it.localizedMessage!!
+// }
+// callback(resultInfo)
+// }
+// VolleySingleton.getInstance(context.applicationContext).addToRequestQueue(context.applicationContext, request)
+// }.onFailure {
+// if (TextUtils.isEmpty(it.localizedMessage)) {
+// resultInfo.msg = it.localizedMessage!!
+// }
+// callback(resultInfo)
+// }
+// }
+// private fun parseResponse(context: Context, data: JSONObject): String {
+// try {
+// val ts = data.getString("ts")
+// val aesKey = Md5Utils.encodeByMD5(ts + StrUtils.reverseString(ts))
+// val base64P = data.getString("p")
+// val tmp = Base64Utils.decode(base64P)
+// val p = HexUtils.bytes2HexString(tmp)
+// return CommSdkDrive.instance.parseJob(aesKey.substring(8, 24), p)
+// } catch (e: JSONException) {
+// e.printStackTrace()
+// }
+// return ""
+// }
+// private fun getErrorResultInfo(context: Context, volleyError: VolleyError): ResultInfo {
+// val resultInfo = ResultInfo()
+// resultInfo.code = 400
+// resultInfo.msg = ""
+// volleyError.networkResponse?.apply {
+// resultInfo.code = statusCode
+// if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(volleyError.message)) {
+// resultInfo.msg = volleyError.message!!
+// } else {
+// resultInfo.msg = ResUtils.getResString(context, "yyxx_network_tv_error")
+// }
+// }
+// resultInfo.data = ""
+// return resultInfo
+// }