1.5 KB

  1. # CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!
  2. # Generated by "Ninja" Generator, CMake Version 3.10
  3. # This file contains all the rules used to get the outputs files
  4. # built from the input files.
  5. # It is included in the main ''.
  6. # =============================================================================
  7. # Project: Project
  8. # Configuration: Debug
  9. # =============================================================================
  10. # =============================================================================
  11. #############################################
  12. # Rule for running custom commands.
  14. command = $COMMAND
  15. description = $DESC
  16. #############################################
  17. # Rule for re-running cmake.
  18. rule RERUN_CMAKE
  19. command = /Users/suyghur/Develop/Android/sdk/cmake/ -H/Users/suyghur/Develop/yyxx/YYXXCommSdk/library_core -B/Users/suyghur/Develop/yyxx/YYXXCommSdk/library_core/.cxx/Debug/h1w6i622/x86
  20. description = Re-running CMake...
  21. generator = 1
  22. #############################################
  23. # Rule for cleaning all built files.
  24. rule CLEAN
  25. command = /Users/suyghur/Develop/Android/sdk/cmake/ -t clean
  26. description = Cleaning all built files...
  27. #############################################
  28. # Rule for printing all primary targets available.
  29. rule HELP
  30. command = /Users/suyghur/Develop/Android/sdk/cmake/ -t targets
  31. description = All primary targets available: