123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291 |
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- import os
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- import print_log
- from print_log import printlog
- import shutil
- import json
- import traceback
- import time
- import file_utils, Replace, contants, http_utils, icon_utils, apk_tool, text_utils
- keystorepath = "/opt/packing_tool/keystore/yyrh.jks"
- storepass = "yyrh123456"
- keypass = "yyrh123456"
- alias = "yyrh"
- def startMerge(config_json_path):
- global ad_code_list, sp_code, apk_decompile_tmp_dir
- isSuccess = False
- errorMsg = "切包失败,请联系开发人员"
- time_start = time.time()
- try:
- json_text = file_utils.read_file(config_json_path)
- config = json.loads(json_text)
- sp_code = config['sp_code']
- print_log.LOGFILE = "%s/%s.txt" % (contants.sdk_log_path, sp_code)
- if os.path.exists(print_log.LOGFILE):
- os.remove(print_log.LOGFILE)
- printlog("[LOGFILE] : %s" % print_log.LOGFILE)
- printlog("[sp_code] : %s" % sp_code)
- origin_apk_full_path = config['sub_apk_path']
- printlog("[origin_apk_full_path] : %s" % origin_apk_full_path)
- origin_apk_dir = os.path.dirname(origin_apk_full_path)
- origin_apk_full_name = os.path.basename(origin_apk_full_path)
- printlog("[origin_apk_dir] %s" % origin_apk_dir)
- randomNumber = text_utils.getRamdomNumber(6)
- origin_apk_name = os.path.splitext(origin_apk_full_name)[0]
- apk_decompile_tmp_dir = os.path.join(origin_apk_dir, randomNumber, 'dcm_tmp', origin_apk_name)
- ad_sdk_type = config['ad_sdk_type']
- printlog("[ad_sdk_type] : %s" % ad_sdk_type)
- ad_allow_pt = config['ad_allow_pt']
- printlog("[ad_allow_pt] : %s" % ad_allow_pt)
- if config.get('ad_code_list'):
- ad_code_list = json.dumps(config['ad_code_list'])
- else:
- ad_code_list = ''
- printlog("[ad_code_list] : %s" % ad_code_list)
- sdk_code = config['sdk_code']
- printlog("[sdk_code] : %s" % sdk_code)
- if config.get('channel_map_id'):
- channel_map_id = config['channel_map_id']
- else:
- channel_map_id = ''
- printlog("[channel_map_id] : %s" % channel_map_id)
- # 包名
- if config.get('package_name'):
- package_name = config['package_name']
- else:
- package_name = ''
- printlog("[package_name] : %s" % package_name)
- if config.get('meta_config_value'):
- meta_config_value = config['meta_config_value']
- else:
- meta_config_value = config.get('meta_config_value', '')
- printlog("meta_config_value:%s" % str(meta_config_value))
- # 版本号
- version = ''
- v_code = ''
- targetSdkVersion = ''
- # icon路径
- icon_path = config.get('icon_path', '')
- printlog("[icon_path]: %s" % icon_path)
- unsignedApkPath = "%s_unsigned.apk" % apk_decompile_tmp_dir
- printlog("unsignedApkPath: %s" % unsignedApkPath)
- signedApkPath = "%s_signed.apk" % apk_decompile_tmp_dir
- printlog("signedApkPath: %s" % signedApkPath)
- zipalignApkPath = "%s_zipaligned.apk" % apk_decompile_tmp_dir
- printlog("zipalignApkPath: %s" % zipalignApkPath)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "10", "正在反编译文件", ad_code_list)
- printlog("----- begin decompile -----")
- ret = apk_tool.decompile(origin_apk_full_path, apk_decompile_tmp_dir)
- if ret == 1:
- errorMsg = "找不到游戏母包,请检查"
- printlog(errorMsg)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "99", errorMsg, ad_code_list)
- return
- printlog("----- begin replace params -----")
- temp_xml_path = os.path.join(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml')
- printlog("temp_xml_path %s" % temp_xml_path)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "30", "正在修改SP_CODE", ad_code_list)
- if ad_allow_pt != 0:
- add_andriod_node(temp_xml_path, "yyrh_sp_code", sp_code)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "40", "正在修改合并渠道", ad_code_list)
- if ad_sdk_type == 2:
- sdk_root_dir = contants.ad_sdk_path
- file_utils.mergeManifest(os.path.join(sdk_root_dir, sdk_code, sdk_code + '_sdk_config.xml'),
- temp_xml_path)
- Replace.mergeResources(os.path.join(sdk_root_dir, sdk_code, sdk_code), apk_decompile_tmp_dir)
- sdk_param_conf = config['sdk_param_conf']
- printlog("channel sdk_param_conf: %s" % str(sdk_param_conf))
- # 替换Androidmanifest.xml中的 package_name值为包名
- file_utils.replace_content(temp_xml_path, 'package_name', package_name)
- if sdk_param_conf:
- keys = sdk_param_conf.keys()
- for key in keys:
- # 替换AndroidManifest.xml中的meta-data字段
- file_utils.replace_manifest_meta_data(temp_xml_path, key,
- sdk_param_conf[key])
- # 替换assets/YyrhAdParam.cnf中的关键字
- file_utils.replace_assets_param(
- os.path.join(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, 'assets', 'YyrhAdParam.cnf'), key,
- sdk_param_conf[key])
- # 特殊渠道需要特殊处理
- # Replace.special_replace(sdk_name, apk_decompile_tmp_dir, DIR_SPLIT, key, sdk_param_conf[key])
- pass
- # 修改包Apk文件名
- # 修改包名
- file_utils.modifyPkgName(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, package_name)
- # 替换Icon
- printlog("----- begin replace resource -----")
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "50", "正在替换资源", ad_code_list)
- if icon_path:
- icon_utils.replace_icon(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, icon_path)
- # 替换启动页
- splash_path = config.get('splash_path', '')
- printlog("splash_path:%s" % splash_path)
- if splash_path:
- if os.path.exists(splash_path):
- shutil.copy(splash_path, "%s/assets/yyrh_start_image.jpg" % apk_decompile_tmp_dir)
- else:
- errorMsg = "找不到闪屏文件,请检查"
- printlog(errorMsg)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "99", errorMsg, ad_code_list)
- return
- # 获取游戏名,版本号,版本名,targetSdkVersion,屏幕方向关键字
- if meta_config_value:
- keys = meta_config_value.keys()
- for key in keys:
- if key == "APP_NAME":
- file_utils.replace_string_app_name(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, meta_config_value[key])
- elif key == "version":
- version = meta_config_value[key]
- elif key == "v_code":
- v_code = meta_config_value[key]
- elif key == "targetSdkVersion":
- targetSdkVersion = meta_config_value[key]
- pass
- # 修改版本号 targetSdkVersion
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "60", "正在修改版本号", ad_code_list)
- yml = os.path.join(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, 'apktool.yml')
- file_utils.changeVersion(yml, v_code, version, targetSdkVersion)
- file_utils.change_min_sdk_version(yml, 21)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "70", "正在替换游戏资源", ad_code_list)
- # 替换游戏资源
- if config.get('game_resource_replace_path'):
- game_resource_replace_path = config['game_resource_replace_path']
- printlog('[game_resource_replace_path]:%s' % game_resource_replace_path)
- if game_resource_replace_path:
- for resource in game_resource_replace_path:
- if os.path.exists(resource[1]):
- file_utils.copy_file(resource[1], os.path.join(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, resource[0]), False)
- printlog("----- begin recompile apk -----")
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "80", "正在回编译APK", ad_code_list)
- ret = apk_tool.recompile(apk_decompile_tmp_dir, unsignedApkPath)
- if ret:
- printlog('apk回编译失败')
- return ret
- printlog("unsignedApkPath: %s" % unsignedApkPath)
- printlog("----- begin resign apk -----")
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "90", "正在重签名,对齐APK", ad_code_list)
- ret = apk_tool.V1signer(unsignedApkPath, signedApkPath, keystorepath, storepass, alias,
- keypass)
- if ret:
- printlog('apk签名失败')
- return ret
- printlog("signedApkPath %s" % signedApkPath)
- printlog("----- begin zipalign apk -----")
- ret = apk_tool.zipalign(signedApkPath, zipalignApkPath)
- if ret:
- printlog('apk压缩失败')
- return ret
- printlog("zipalignApkPath %s" % zipalignApkPath)
- dis_path = os.path.join(contants.sp_out_put_dir, "%s_%s.apk" % (origin_apk_name, sp_code))
- printlog("origin_apk_name %s" % origin_apk_name)
- if ad_allow_pt == 0 and ad_sdk_type == 2:
- dis_path = os.path.join(contants.sp_out_put_dir,
- "%s_%s_%s.apk" % (origin_apk_name, sdk_code, channel_map_id))
- if ad_allow_pt == 0 and ad_sdk_type == 1:
- dis_path = os.path.join(contants.sp_out_put_dir,
- "%s_%s_%s.apk" % (origin_apk_name, sdk_code, channel_map_id))
- dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dis_path)
- if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
- os.makedirs(dst_dir)
- printlog("apkDstPath %s" % dis_path)
- shutil.copyfile(zipalignApkPath, dis_path)
- time_end = time.time()
- time_c = time_end - time_start
- printlog("切包总用时:%s秒" % time_c)
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "100", "切包成功(点击复制链接)", ad_code_list)
- isSuccess = True
- except Exception as err:
- http_utils.notify_sp_cut_state(sp_code, "99", errorMsg, ad_code_list)
- printlog("cut error occur:%s" % err)
- printlog(traceback.format_exc())
- finally:
- if apk_decompile_tmp_dir:
- Replace.safeFileDelete(os.path.dirname(apk_decompile_tmp_dir))
- return isSuccess
- def add_andriod_node(xmlpath, key, value):
- global child
- ET.register_namespace('android', 'http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android')
- tree = ET.parse(xmlpath)
- root = tree.getroot()
- node = ET.Element("meta-data")
- node.set("android:name", key)
- node.set("android:value", value)
- node.tail = "\n\t"
- for i in root.iter("application"):
- for child in i:
- pass
- child.tail = '\n\t\t'
- for a in root.iter("application"):
- a.append(node)
- break
- tree.write(xmlpath, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
- pass