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- #
- # Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- # ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- #
- error.internal.badmsg=internal error, unknown message
- error.badinst.nojre=Bad installation. No JRE found in configuration file
- error.launch.execv=Error encountered while invoking Java Web Start (execv)
- error.launch.sysexec=Error encountered while invoking Java Web Start (SysExec)
- error.listener.failed=Splash: sysCreateListenerSocket failed
- error.accept.failed=Splash: accept failed
- error.recv.failed=Splash: recv failed
- error.invalid.port=Splash: didn't revive a valid port
- error.read=Read past end of buffer
- error.xmlparsing=XML Parsing error: wrong kind of token found
- error.splash.exit=Java Web Start splash screen process exiting .....\n
- # "Last WinSock Error" means the error message for the last operation that failed.
- error.winsock=\tLast WinSock Error:
- error.winsock.load=Couldn't load winsock.dll
- error.winsock.start=WSAStartup failed
- error.badinst.nohome=Bad installation: JAVAWS_HOME not set
- error.splash.noimage=Splash: couldn't load splash screen image
- error.splash.socket=Splash: server socket failed
- error.splash.cmnd=Splash: unrecognized command
- error.splash.port=Splash: port not specified
- error.splash.send=Splash: send failed
- error.splash.timer=Splash: couldn't create shutdown timer
- error.splash.x11.open=Splash: Can't open X11 display
- error.splash.x11.connect=Splash: X11 connection failed
- # Javaws usage: '\' is a joining of two sentence,which are connected including
- # the invisible character '\n'.
- message.javaws.usage=\n\
- Usage:\tjavaws [run-options] <jnlp-file> \n\
- \tjavaws [control-options] \n\
- \n\
- where run-options include: \n\
- -verbose \tdisplay additional output \n\
- -offline \trun the application in offline mode \n\
- -system \trun the application from the system cache only\n\
- -Xnosplash \trun without showing a splash screen \n\
- -J<option> \tsupply option to the vm \n\
- -wait \tstart java process and wait for its exit \n\
- \n\
- control-options include: \n\
- -viewer \tshow the cache viewer in the java control panel\n\
- -clearcache \tremove all non-installed applications from the cache\n\
- -uninstall \tremove all applications from the cache\n\
- -uninstall <jnlp-file> \tremove the application from the cache \n\
- -import [import-options] <jnlp-file>\timport the application to the cache \n\
- \n\
- import-options include: \n\
- -silent \timport silently (with no user interface) \n\
- -system \timport application into the system cache \n\
- -codebase <url>\tretrieve resources from the given codebase \n\
- -shortcut \tinstall shortcuts as if user allowed prompt \n\
- -association \tinstall associations as if user allowed prompt \n\
- \n